Facebook Settlement Claim 2024- Know Payout Date & Latest Status

If you were a Facebook user between May 24, 2007 to December 22, 2022, then you are eligible to claim a cash payment from a class action settlement. As the claim was made that the social media giant was involved in giving access of user data without their consent to third parties, the Facebook parent ‘Meta’ agrees to pay $725 million to settle a class action lawsuit. The law firm representing the plaintiffs alleged that Facebook failed to adequately protect the user’s privacy. As of hearing in October 2023, the judges overseeing the case in Northern District of California had preliminarily approved the settlement last year. On continuing to this post, you will be able to gain latest insights on Facebook settlement claim. Read the full post to learn how can you apply for your share and what is the payout date, so that you cannot miss any updates.

What is Facebook Class Action Settlement

  • In 2023, a settlement was approved by the Facebook (now Meta) to compensate the violations of over 87 million user’s privacy, after the plaintiffs claimed that Facebook improperly shared user’s data to third parties without their consent. Facebook users between May 24, 2007 to December 22, 2022 will be eligible to claim a portion of settlement amount of $725 million on the deposit date. But first, let’s understand the Facebook class action settlement in detail. In the 2010s, a British consulting firm Cambridge Analytica collected personal data of millions of Facebook users without their consent for political advertising. Later in 2018, the information of data misuse was out by Christopher Wylie, a former employee of Cambridge Analytica. As a result, the CEO Mark Zuckerberg apologized for the data breach and had to testify in front of the congress.
  • The scandal was incepted through an app called ‘This Is Your Digital Life’ developed by data scientist Aleksandr Kogan and his company Global Science Research in 2013. Cambridge Analytica was involved in providing analytical assistance to the 2016 presidential campaigns of Ted Cruz and Donald Trump. After the information of data breach was out in 2018, the social media giant was forced to make changes and reforms in Facebook policy to prevent such data breach in future. In contrast, as of March 26, 2018, a short time after the news was published, Facebook suffered a stock fell by 28% which equals to $134 billion. However, it was reported by the Wall Street that the company had recovered the losses as of May 10, 2018.

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Facebook Settlement Claim 2024 Overview

Post title Facebook Settlement Claim in 2024
Country of origin The USA
Company name Facebook
Parent company Meta
Category Financial settlement
Applicable for Facebook users of US
Settlement amount $725 million
Year 2024
Official website www.cand.uscourts.gov

Legal Journey and Final Approval

The legal journey of the years long ‘In re: Facebook, Inc. Consumer Privacy User Profile Litigation in U.S. district court of Northern District of California resulted into a final approval of $725 million by the Facebook parent Meta. The foremost reason behind this was the significant victory of plaintiffs after the district court Judge Vince Chhabria granted the final approval of the settlement to compensate the violations faced by million of Facebook’s users.

The plaintiffs claim regarding the Facebook improperly providing personal data of its users to third parties, used for various purposes including political campaigns led to multiple lawsuits. Finally, on October 10, 2023, Judge Vince Chhabria approved the $725 million settlement which followed a preliminary approval in March 2023. However, the compensation amount for million of users got delayed due to the objectors filing two appeals om November 9, 2023. Once, the appeals are resolved, the settlement will become final and the affected users will be able to claim a portion of settlement.

Facebook Settlement Claim 2024- Know Payout Date & Latest Status

How to Claim Your Payment?

As previously mentioned, people in US who were using Facebook between March 23, 2007 to December 22, 2022 can claim a portion of $725 million Facebook class action settlement. As per the guidelines, the only way to receive the settlement payment is by submitting a timely and properly completed Claim Form that obtains approval from the Settlement Administrator. You can either submit the form online or download the form and mail it after properly filling it before the deadline. You can also opt out of the settlement and claim no payment which will allow you to sue the defendant related to the legal claims and factual allegations resolved by this settlement.

How to Check Your Settlement Status?

You can check your settlement status by visiting the official website of the Facebook User Privacy Settlement. The payout has already delayed after getting final approval by the Judge of district court of Northern District of California when the two appeals were filed in November 2023. You can contact the authorities for any queries related to the payment and can also follow the FAQs related to other users’ queries on the official portal.

Facebook Settlement Claim Payout Date

Initially, the payment was expected to out in early 2024. However, the newly filed appeals resulted into more delay and once the appeals are resolved, the settlement will get final approval. As of now, there is no confirmed data that claims the exact payout data for the claimants to claim the settlement compensation of Facebook class action lawsuit. The authorities have confirmed that the settlement will not be distributed until the appeals are resolved. You can wait for the official declaration from the authorities and are advised to remain in touch with latest news.

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